The Challenge
The Cresta Climate Challenge is a free-to-enter creative competition for students and young creatives.
We want to know how you would tackle climate change inactivism as the world faces perhaps its biggest battle for survival.
A panel including environmental experts and senior creatives will judge the entries. Winners will receive a cash prize, a special trophy, plus the chance to see their idea publicised across the world.
The Brief
Like many, we are concerned by the growth of climate change “inactivism” around the world.
Atmospheric scientist and environmental author Michael E Mann has labelled this trend: an epic struggle to convince you not so much to doubt the reality of the climate crisis, but rather to dampen enthusiasm for any attempts at dealing with it.
How do we combat these doubts obscuring perhaps the most dangerous crisis ever to affect our planet? That’s the communications task we’d like you to tackle.
We are looking for ideas that will convince the general public worldwide to take the crisis seriously, and adapt their behaviours, attitudes and/or political allegiances accordingly.
Difficult, yes. Impossible, we don’t think so.
Please show us we are right to be optimistic about your communications skills.
Enter NowThe Prizes
The ultimate prize, of course, is to make real progress in the fight to reverse, stop or slow down climate change. But we also want to recognise and reward the individuals behind the most outstanding work.
The best Student and Young Creative entry will each win a cash prize of $1000 and a special version of the Cresta trophy, plus the commitment of us and our partners to publicise the winning work and, wherever possible, get it out into the media.
The top five entries in each category will be published in Lurzer's Archive magazine and online with full credits. Lurzer's Archive is one of the most prestigious global creative publilcations, and read by many of the world’s leading creatives.
Other prizes may be awarded.
All Images: Matt Palmer/Unsplash
The Jury
A panel of influential environmental experts and senior creatives will judge all entries online, and will make the final decision via a zoom discussion.
We will be announcing their names during the entry period.
What to Enter
Within the technical guidelines detailed below, you can enter anything you believe best answers the brief above. Print, digital, video, experiential, social ideas are all acceptable... there are no boundaries.
Ideas can be finished or unfinished. So long as they are clear and readable we don’t mind what form you present them in.
However, the judges will be looking for a concept with the potential to roll-out cost effectively across as many markets as possible. Don’t make it difficult to implement your ideas.
Your entry should be accompanied by a short explanation of your thinking, and why you believe it answers the brief (max 750 words).
All entries should include the following uploads:
Main Image
Please supply one image that best represents your idea.
1 JPG approx 1200 pixels across its largest dimension.
Main Media
Supply at least 1 piece of media (max 5 pieces) that adequately supports/ explains your idea.
This can be a video, image, sound file or document.
Acceptable file types MOV, MP4, JPG, MP3, PDF
Please supply one photo of you that could be used in any publicity about your idea.
The image can be informal if you wish.
1 JPG approx 1000 pixels across its largest dimension.
Rules & Timetable
14 January - open for entries
29 March - first deadline
30 April - extended deadline
May - winners announced
General rules
- The jury's decisions will be final.
- Entries should be the work of the entrants and should not be commissioned or otherwise paid for work for existing clients.
- Entrants older than 26 years, or not Students at a recognised educational institution, may be excluded.
- Work that does not adhere to the upload specifications above may be excluded.
- All entries must be uploaded by midnight GMT on 30 April 2022.
- Winners will be notified by email in May 2022, unless otherwise decided.
- Creative Standards International Ltd and its partners will be entitled to publish in any way it sees fit any entries to this competition.
- Any images, music or video submitted should be cleared for copywright in point 7.
- Creative Standards International Ltd accepts no responsibility for copyright on work submitted.
- By entering the competition, participants are inviting that their work may be used in part or whole by individuals or organisations participating in climate change activism. While Creative Standards International will encourage credit for work used, it is not responsible or liable for any usage or any issues arising from rights in the work or its subsequent usage.
All photos: Unsplash
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